Impeachable You
Sydney, 15 August 2020
It started as a microbe,
a pernicious Russian germ,
which invaded social media –
crossed into US sperm.
Mueller’s penetrating probe
proved a prevalent infection
and foreign interference
with American erections.
Sadly, Lady Liberty’s
grown a metastatic lump.
The pathogen’s been identified:
Its name is Donald Trump.
He feeds on fast food, sleaze and trash,
and spews out falsehoods, unabashed.
‘Base’ States will not accept the cure
and the Republic’s might, might not endure.
There’s been a high-risk complication:
a pernicious microbe’s hit the nation.
The bug which entered from Ukraine
has infiltrated US veins.
The plague has struck down herds of Kurds
and is haemorrhaging blood in Donald’s turds.
He blames the virus on Barack,
and the Yellow Peril, while he’s slack.
With bluster, snake oil, streaming lies –
he blithely threatens heaps of lives.
© Stewart Levitt, 15 August 2020